3 Tips To Prepare Your Child For Their First Day At Daycare

a child playing at the daycare center.

The first day of preschool or at the daycare center is a very important day for both the parent and the child. A nurturing and quality daycare center allows children to develop a lot of essential life skills along with improved cognition, motor skills, and social and emotional skills.

While many toddlers can easily get used to going to a learning center, some are very attached to their parents and might have a hard time adjusting to a new environment.

Read on to learn some tips on preparing your child for daycare.

1. Have a Conversation

Firstly, sit down with your child and try to give them an idea about what to expect at the daycare center. Many children can become anxious after hearing about how they will spend time somewhere other than their home.

You can help reduce your child’s anxiety with these tips:

  • Give the daycare center a visit and show your child around to help them get comfortable with the area
  • Schedule a meeting with the teachers or the staff so you can introduce your child to them
  • Let them choose their outfit, bag, and what they want to eat for breakfast that morning

2. Provide Comfort

a child in a red shirt.

Your child might still feel a bit scared of being around people they’ve never met. You can always ensure their comfort by giving them a picture of you or a toy they love so they can always hold on to it. You can even let the center’s caregiver know about ways to comfort your child.

3. Establish a Routine

Once your child starts going to preschool, you must establish a routine. This will help your child predict pick-up and drop-off times and make them feel at ease.

Are you searching for a reliable child daycare center in Johnson County KS? Come to the Ivy League Learning Center! We have a team of highly qualified and knowledgeable child educators who provide an enriching environment for children. This enables them to grow and learn emotional skills and sharpen their cognitive skills to get on the road to success.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our childhood education center.